Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Obesity and Anorexia Nervosa

On the opposite side of binge eating is anorexia nervosa. It affects around 1 to 2 percent of the female population.

Anorexia is characterized by self-starvation and obsession with food, weight and appearance, weight loss of 15% or more below the normal body weight and an intense fear of being fat. Many anorexics look emaciated, but are convinced they are fat.

Because anorexics literally starve themselves, their bodies are severely depleted of nutrients. As a result, they develop muscular atrophy, dehydration, low blood pressure and brain and organ damage to name a few.

As many as 10 percent of anorexics die. Most anorexics deny they have a problem until the problem gets so bad that they have to be hospitalized. Because anorexia is so life-threatening, the first stage of treatment is getting body weight back to normal. Once this is on track, therapy and medications are used.

Eating disorders are serious disorders and should not be taken lightly. If you suspect you have one or think someone you love does, please seek help. It could be a matter of life and death.

The Weight Loss Magic Fat Burner Program works with all diet plans to help speed up metabolism and burn fat faster and safely.

Dr Jeff St Paul

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